The U.S of Awesome

My american adventure

Archive for the month “January, 2012”

The Jersey shore in New Haven

Ik heb besloten in het Nederlands verder te gaan met mijn blog aangezien ik na een moment van zelfreflectie heb moeten bekennen dat mijn spraak akelig veel op dat van Astrid Bryan begint te lijken. Dit wil ik ten alle kosten vermijden.
Ik heb een vrij bewogen weekend gehad, scientology, au pair drama, het gevoel terug 15 jaar te zijn, Amerikaans uitgaansleven,… Vrijdag kreeg ik telefoon van een andere au pair met de vraag of ik zin had om mee uit te gaan in New Haven. Uiteraard had ik daar zin in, dus ik trek zaterdag richting Bethany zo’n 45min van waar ik woon. Bethany is een gat van een dorp waar je niet sneller dan 25 miles per hour (40km) mag rijden maar heel dat dorp is bergaf dus moet je op je rem rijden. Want ja hoor, achter elke hoek staat een politie wagen om je aan de kant te zetten zou je te snel gaan. Anyway, eens aangekomen besluiten we te gaan eten bij T.G.I. Friday’s. Dit is echt een van mijn favoriete plaatsen om te gaan eten in the US, dus ik was echt heel gelukkig toen het eten voor m’n neus stond :D. Na het eten was het happy hour in de bar van TGIF’s en mijn meerderjarige vrienden wilde een cocktail gaan drinken. Helaas heeft Amerika een domme wet waardoor ik, ook al ben ik bob, zelfs niet in de bar mag gaan zitten met een cola ofzo. Dus happy hour was niet zo happy. Ik mocht wel in het restaurant gedeelte zitten terwijl de rest margarita’s dronk en ik in het ‘all ages’ deel van het menu mijn keuze moest maken, ik voelde me net terug 15.
Rond 23u zijn we dan vertrokken naar New Haven waar de uitgaansbuurt zich bevind. Er zijn daar dus enkele clubs waar je binnen mag vanaf 18 maar uiteraard niet mag drinken tenzij je 21 bent. We wandelen daar werkelijk in the jersey shore binnen, meisjes met veel te korte het-kan-me-niet-schelen-dat-ze-mijn-onderbroek-zien-rokjes en veel te hoge waggel-en-val-op-de-grond-hakken en jongens die dansen door hun kruis tegen onschuldige slachtoffers aan te schuren. Needless to say, we didn’t stay very long. We zijn terug naar Bethany gereden en daar ben ik dan ook blijven slapen.
De volgende dag keek ik eens rond in het huis van Sarah haar host family, bleek dus dat het scientology aanhangers zijn en dat die moeder compleet van lotje getikt is. Nadat ze had gezegd Natalia (een andere au pair) naar het station te brengen verandert ze van gedachte en zegt ze tegen mij om het te doen omdat ik toch al met de auto ben. Waardoor ik mijn reis met 20min verleng want het station ligt de andere kant uit. Nu gaan die mensen ook nog eens scheiden waardoor Sarah een ander gezin moet gaan zoeken (misschien is dat wel goed voor haar, aangezien die mensen nogal gestoord zijn). Maar nu is haar toekomst in Amerika wel onzeker.
Zondag avond krijg ik een berichtje van een vreemd nummer met een meisje dat zich voorstelt als Sameera van Zuid Afrika, ook een au pair in Wethersfield. Mijn host mom had haar mijn gsm nummer gegeven omdat ze nog niet zoveel mensen kende in de buurt. Nu gaan we vanavond naar Starbucks elkaar wat beter te leren kennen, spannend!

Little known facts

Did you know that…
…Americans rarely use a knife when eating, they cut up the food with their forks.
…I feel like a fancy dinner guest when I do use a knife.
…Americans don’t iron at all.
… if something does need ironing, they just take it to the dry cleaner.
…I absolutely love that I don’t have to iron anything
…Americans don’t kiss when greeting each other, they hug.
…when you hear that there is a Starbucks on every corner in the US, they are not lying.
…stores only sell milk in bottles that hold 4 liters or more.

For those who don’t have my Skype yet, add me it is: dorien_lucy_reyntjens
if you have a different Skype name then your real name, write in the message box who you are.

Sunday brunch at the country club

Today was so much fun! My host family is a member of the local country club and it so happens that this country club has awesome ground for sledding. There is about 6 inches (15cm) of snow on the ground and I can tell you that these conditions are ideal for some winter fun. We took out the snow sleds and drove down to the country club. The area we sled on is actually a golf course in the summer but during wintertime it’s so much more. The entire family went down the hill multiple times, we had 3 different types of sleds a giant inflatable one, a kind of boogie board and a sled saucer. I don’t really have appropriate snow wear (yes people, this means that I went down the hill in the only sort of shorts/skirt I own with a pantyhose under it) but the sledding looked to damn awesome to even care about freezing to death. After about an hour and a half of going up and down the hill we went in to have brunch. I had some delicious apple cinnamon pancakes and hot chocolate.
After brunch I took the car out and drove to Milford, it was my first drive on the highway and I was pretty nervous. But guess what, I didn’t get lost. I have to admit, I did have the use of my gps but like most of you know a gps is not a guarantee for me to get there without taking a wrong turn. So anyway the reason I went to Milford was because I was meeting another au pair in the shopping mall. We did a little shopping and afterwards we went to a movie. We saw ‘incredibly loud and extremely close’ a truly amazing and very emotional story. The movie made me feel so uncomfortable, so empty and so full at the same time, I absolutely loved it. And even though I usually don’t like Sandra Bullock, she was very enjoyable in this role. Tom Hanks was sublime like always and the kid is a great new talent. It’s an absolute must see.

“on fridays you have to smile”

Hey guys, I applied for a social security card today. I’m always so nervous about getting official government documents because security is so strict. But so far America has been treating me excellent. Nothing but quick and easy, friendly (security) people who say stuff like “on friday we have a rule, you have to smile before you come in” and then you can’t’ help but smile of course. I’ve been driving around Wethersfield to get to know the neighborhood and to get to know the cars. Yes 2 cars, one for driving with the kids (big minivan) and one for casual driving. On saturday I have movie night with the other au pairs from CT and after that we’re going to a club where you can party if you’re not 21 yet (never thought I had to go look for bars and clubs where they wouldn’t deny me access). Anyways, I have some more awesome news. I got an invitation to a party on a boat with au pairs from all over the country and the West point military academy cadets in New York = party boat with a bunch of sexy army guys. I said hell yeah I’ll go.
A lot of you have been asking me about homesickness, I have to say I’m not feeling particularly homesick (this doesn’t mean that I don’t miss you, I do). Probably because I’ve had the chance to Skype with a lot of you already  and that did help me. However I still have a lot of people to speak with (you know who you are).
Talk to you soon!

Big ol’ minivan

Today is my first official work day, I had to get the kids ready for school. But guess what, school was delayed for 90 min this morning because of snow. So I had an easy going morning and up until 3.30 when the kids get home I get to fill in my day the way I want to, hooray! For example right now I’m in the shiatsu seat having an awesome time whilst writing this blog :). Yesterday my host mom took my out to drive the big mini van, I did much better then I would have expected. Because you all know I drive a tiny ford fiesta back home. But guess what, I’m a natural. The automatic gear was the weirdest part, I kept reaching for a manual that wasn’t there. Today I’m gonna practice some more on my own, drive down to Starbucks and try to find my way around town.
As you know I had my first monthly cluster meeting with the other au pairs in CT. We cooked and served dinner at an all male homeless shelter. I gotta say, I was a little intimidated at first. But the guys there were so grateful and I believe I will do it more often if I get the chance.


After more fun time in New York, like taking the ferry to see the statue of liberty and walking to china town and little italy. My days in New York are over (for now) and I have moved on to my host family in Wethersfield CT. The people here are very nice and the children are 3 active pre teens, so I have my work cut out for me. But I’m taking it easy, getting to know the family and their schedule, habits,… On my first night I already went to the schools bingo night and got to know a lot of new people, who’s names I have already forgotten (oops). Today I went to the apple store to get adapters for my macbook and iPhone. The apple store in America is nothing like the one in Belgium. It’s 3x bigger, more people (most of the time they make appointments to get help in an apple store), the employees are called apple ‘geniuses’. We went in without an appointment and got help right away. I was looking at some prices for the adapters and it was around $60. But the guy came out with the 2 adapters I needed and just gave them to me “because I like you” I still can’t believe how awesome that was! I’m getting a quick how to drive in the US course, it’s not that different. But according to my host mom, the police is quick to pull over blonde people for no apparent reason, maybe I should color my hair? Well, tomorrow I’ll be having my first au pair meeting. We’re going to a church to cook for the homeless, exciting charity work. Write you soon!

New York, New York

So, I’ll start with the story of my flight over. I took off on time and had a surprisingly comfortable flight. The guys who where sitting next to me moved because of a broken tray table. Result, I got all the leg room I dreamed of. The movies on flight where super! I saw crazy/stupid love with the ever charming Ryan Gosling, rise of the planet of the apes and glee the concert movie. I had some dubious airplane lasagna for lunch, but got awesome snacks. My cab ride over to hotel the New Yorker was less pleasant I kept thinking ‘I hope I don’t die on the ride over’. the cabdriver was crazy/loud/nauseating. But I got here in one piece and after a little Skype and resting break I went out to explore. I walked over to times square and broadway. It was so light and amazing, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I’m actually here! So after my walkabout I returned to my hotel (with a little detour, yes I got lost for like 10min). I fell asleep around 9pm and woke up at 5am, went down for breakfast around 7.30 and had a cream cheese bagel and it was really good. After that I started my class, it was about how to get your paperwork done in the united states (social security, divers license,…). After lunch we got classes on how to work with babies and toddlers (not my department) the woman teaching us was crazy (good crazy). I won’t bore you with the details.
As a late night activity we did a guided tour of New York, central park, Rockefeller  center, times square,… And we had some sbarro pizza, it was delicious and got back to the hotel afterwards. Then some of the girls decided to go on the empire state building, so I tagged along. The view was breathtaking, so beautiful! Now I’m getting ready for bed, more classes tomorrow. I’ll try and write soon!

Running out of time

Tomorrow is my last full day in Belgium, I can’t believe it’s really happening. I’ve been getting emails from the au pair agency with tips to pack and stuff, but it’s still hard to decide what comes and what stays. Also I’m getting real nervous about my flight and the immigration papers I have to fill out. One mistake and my whole year in the USA will be an administrative hell, whoopee. And of course I hope my flight will be comfy, the leg-space you have in an airplane makes me claustrophobic.
When I arrive in New York I have to get to hotel the new yorker, my first time in New York. It’s gonna be totally awesome!


The date is set!

Yes, it’s true I’m leaving 09/01/2012. I’m getting my tickets on Wednesday.
I went to pick up my visa at the American embassy, it only took like 3 minutes getting it this time. What an improvement to my last visit.
I’ve started packing, clothing, books, memories I simply have to take. I need to pack up my life and put it in 2 suitcases of +- 22kg. Crap, that sucks.
I’ll be talking to my host family again tonight, about my arrival and my drivers license etc.
I started planning my road trip too, I really want to see the St. Louis city museum, looks like my kind of museum. If anyone can help me with stuff I have to see around the USA, just let me know. I’m thinking I would love to see, San Francisco, California, New Orleans, maybe even Hollywood and of course I would go visit my family in Wisconsin. But first, lets focus on what’s to come now. My au pair adventure in Wethersfield and foremost my 5 days in New York. I’m so excited!

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